Robot Learning Lab @UW

The Robot Learning Laboratory at the University of Washington works on foundational research in machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics. Our goal is to develop intelligent robotic systems that can perceive, plan, and act in complex environments and improve performance with experience.


05/2024 Adam Fishman successfully defended his thesis "The Expert is the Obstacle: Building a General Framework for Learned Robot Motion". Congratulations Adam!
04/2024 Sandesh Adhikary successfully passed the UW CSE General Exam. Congratulations Sandesh!
03/2024 Mohak Bhardwaj successfully defended his thesis "When Models Meet Data: Pragmatic Robot Learning with Model-based Optimization". Congratulations, Mohak!
11/2023 Anqi Li successfully defended her thesis "Exploiting Structure in Learning: A Path Toward Building Safe and Adaptive Robots". Congratulations, Anqi!
11/2023 Boling Yang successfully defended his thesis. Congratulations, Boling!
11/2023 Nolan Wagener successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation "Machine Learning for Agile Robotic Control". Congratulations, Nolan!   [Link]
10/2023 Jacob Sacks successfully defended his Ph.D. Dissertation "Learning Novel Stratgies for Model Predictive Control by Leveraging Experience". Congratulations, Jake!
10/2023 Yuxiang Yang successfully passed the UW CSE General Exam. Congratulations Yuxiang!
10/2023 Byron Boots gave a talk on High-Speed Off-Road Autonomy at UT-Austin.
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